Library policies

You can find some our frequently-consulted policies and procedures here. If you wish to see additional policies or require more information, please contact the Chief Librarian at

The library recognizes the need, at times, to have specially trained animals to assist those with disabilities. It also recognizes the need to minimize the potential health and safety risks to the public and employees that may result from the presence of animals at the library.

Guiding principles

These guidelines are informed by the Guide Dog and Service Dog Act.


These guidelines apply to everyone using the library building.


Service animals are animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities — such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other special tasks. Service animals are working animals, not pets, and include therapy animals (e.g. therapy dogs).


To balance customer needs with health and safety concerns, only service animals may visit the library. Service animals must be restrained, be fully under their handler’s control at all times, and shall not unreasonably interfere with the health and safety of other library users.

A staff member attempting to ascertain whether an animal is a service animal shall not ask about the nature of a person's disability, but may ask for proof of the service animal’s status (e.g. government certificate, doctor’s note). Any concern about potential misrepresentation should be brought to the attention of a supervisor.

Staff may exercise discretion in enforcing these guidelines for customers with non-service animals who are engaging in brief transactions ONLY (e.g. picking up a hold or returning materials), provided:

  • The non-service animal is restrained (e.g. leashed or in a cage or pet carrier) and fully under their handler’s control at all times
  • The non-service animal is not causing a disturbance (e.g. barking)

This policy guides decision making around the selection and deselection of materials for North Vancouver City Library.

Guiding principles

North Vancouver City Library adheres to the CFLA Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries. Access to all expressions of knowledge, opinion and creativity is a fundamental right, subject only to the Constitution and the law, and is essential to the health and development of a modern democratic society and for the community as a whole.

Selection, procurement, curation, and availability of materials in the library are governed by professional standards and considerations and must not be influenced by political, moral, or religious viewpoints. The Library does not censor materials in any way.

The library makes available a wide range of materials representing significant points of view, including those which express controversial or unpopular ideas. Inclusion of materials in the library’s collections does not imply endorsement of their contents by the library.


All library staff are responsible to apply these guidelines in the selection, organization and management of library collections, and in communication with members of the community,

Library collections include all materials acquired or licensed by the Library for public use, including print, audio visual and digital content as well as items such as games, kits, and technology.


The goal of collection development and management at North Vancouver City Library is to maintain a broad collection that serves the needs of the community, as informed by the library’s mission, vision and strategic directions.

Selection criteria

The selection of library materials is based on the following criteria:

  • Popularity, awards, demand, current trends, relevance and interest to the community
  • Literary and artistic merit: quality of writing, design, illustrations or production
  • Authority or reputation of author, originator, creator or publisher
  • Currency, contemporary significance (i.e. timeliness) or permanent value
  • Availability
  • Price
  • Accuracy
  • Availability of space and shelving and maintenance considerations
  • Relation to existing collections and other material on the subject
  • Representation of diversity: addresses the diverse experiences and identities within the community
  • Suitability of subject and style for intended audience 
  • Canadian, Indigenous, and local authorship, content or relevance
  • Copyright, public performance rights, access rights and licensing requirements

Materials need not meet all criteria to be included in the library’s collections.

In general, the library does not procure textbooks or curriculum-related works unless they are useful as an introduction to a subject.

The library selects materials in English, French and the five most commonly spoken home languages as recorded in the Census. Items in additional languages may be included in other collections where budget, availability and demand merit.

The library will evaluate new material types and formats for possible inclusion in its collections taking into account the budget, community need, notable trends, impact on existing resources and suitability for library use.


Deselection is a vital part of maintaining a relevant library collection. The goal is to balance demand for current resources with the long-term information needs of library users.

Decisions to withdraw materials from the collection are based on the following criteria:

  • Frequency of circulation
  • Timeliness and accuracy of content
  • Physical condition
  • Importance to the body of literature or subject area
  • Local interest
  • Shelving space
  • Availability of other copies (e.g. through InterLibrary Loan)

The library may retire existing items or material formats from its collections to responsibly accommodate trends in demand or changes in technology.

Withdrawn materials are sold in biannual books sales, donated to local charities and non-profit agencies or processed for recycling.


The Library recognizes the right of any individual or group to reject library material for personal use, but does not accord to any individual or group the right to restrict the freedom of others to make use of that same material.

If a library customer feels that an item in the library’s collection falls outside of the selection criteria or reflects content inappropriate to this policy, they may complete a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form.

The Chief Librarian or their delegate will review the request in light of the criteria outlined in this policy. A written response will be sent to the originators of the request upon the completion of a formal review.

If a library customer believes the Chief Librarian’s decision is not consistent with this policy, they may request the Library Board review the decision. The Board will limit its review to verifying that the correct process was followed and the defined factors were considered.

Access to collections

The ultimate responsibility for the choice and use of materials made available through the library rests with the individual. The Library will not restrict assess to material for any person, except where required by law.

Children are entitled to full access and borrowing privileges, except where limited by law.  Parents and legal guardians are responsible for monitoring and limiting the use of library materials by their children.

Collections are arranged to minimize barriers to access and to facilitate browsing and discovery. The Library may exercise judgement in the location of any collection material in order to protect items deemed susceptible to theft or damage.



Related materials

Acceptable use

  • The computers are located in a public area shared by users of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities. Please consider other library users when accessing internet sites from this public station. Library staff may intervene to handle complaints of inappropriate or legally prohibited material on internet sites
  • Respect the privacy of other users
  • Refrain from disruptive behaviour that may disturb other users.
  • Use only your own library card and not another individual’s library card or multiple library cards
  • Users may not alter or damage library equipment, software or data files; users may not install or run other software on library equipment
  • Users may not seek access to any unauthorized areas on the library’s network, nor computers of other users
  • Users must not seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users
  • Users should not represent themselves as another user
  • Users may not distribute unsolicited advertising or maliciously spread computer viruses.
  • Failure to cooperate with staff and other users in following these guidelines may result in temporary or permanent loss of internet and other library privileges

Internet disclaimer

  • The library assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness or appropriateness of materials accessed over the internet. Parents or guardians are responsible for what their children might access on the internet
  • The use of our computers for illegal, actionable or criminal purposes or to seek access to unauthorized areas is prohibited. Infringement of copyright and software licensing agreements is prohibited
  • The library cannot guarantee security and confidentiality of any public internet transaction, particularly online banking or credit card transactions. These are undertaken at a user’s own risk
  • The library assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, damage or fees incurred through the use of its internet connection

Public internet

City Library provides access to a range of information resources, including those available on the internet. This service is part of our mission to be a gateway to knowledge, providing access to popular materials and lifelong learning beyond the confines of our physical building.

While the internet offers access to a wealth of material that is enriching to individuals of all ages, it also enables access to some materials that may be objectionable or illegal. The library strives to balance the rights of users to access a wide range of information with the rights of users to work in a safe public environment free from harassment.


  • The library supports users’ rights to have access to all expressions of knowledge, creativity, and intellectual activity in accordance with the Canadian Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom.
  • The Library complies with the Canadian Copyright Act, the Criminal Code of Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other legislation governing all citizens.
  • Customers of all ages have free, unfiltered access to internet computers in the library.
  • Parents and guardians are responsible for what their children read and view on the internet. As an aid, the library provides a commercial web content filter for computers in the children’s area. These filters block much of the material that may be considered inappropriate for children.
  • The library protects the privacy and ensures confidentiality of legitimate users. Both staff and customers are asked to respect the privacy of others and not to interfere with their computer use. The library does not monitor any personal information or websites visited.
  • The library strives for best practices in providing security for our equipment and network, and takes protective measures against non-standard and known malware sites, recognizing that this may restrict access to such sites. Only websites connecting through standard ports 80, 8080, 8000, 443 and 143 are supported. This covers most standard http, https and email sites.
  • The library promotes a safe computer environment free from harassment and disruptive behaviour or activity.

This policy is reviewed annually by the library board. Customers using City Library’s public internet stations must accept the above conditions and agree to the acceptable use disclaimer.


In alignment with its commitment to intellectual freedom and its role as a community gathering place, North Vancouver City Library makes its public meeting rooms available for community use when they are not required for library purposes, provided such use does not unduly disrupt routine library operations.


These guidelines apply to everyone renting space in the library.


Priority for library use
The library’s meeting rooms are primarily for public service, such as programs, activities and meetings that are coordinated, produced or hosted by the library or presented by the library in partnership with other community agencies.

When rooms are not required for use by the library, they may be made available to the public for rental.

The Chief Librarian shall establish reasonable regulations for the efficient utilization of the meeting rooms. Regulations may address availability of meeting rooms, hours, fees, bookings, permitted activities and other conditions of use.

Regulations must be reviewed and consented to by anyone wishing to rent a library meeting room. Failure to abide by regulations may result in the refusal or cancellation of a booking.

Rental rates
Rental rates are approved by the Library Board and reviewed annually.

Discounted rental rates are available to not-for-profit entities, provided no fees are charged to attendees. When a not-for-profit entity charges an admission fee or requires a donation for entry, the regular private room rental rate will be applied.

Rental fees may be waived for partner organizations. Criteria for such waivers shall be established by the Chief Librarian.

Content and uses
The library does not limit rental of meeting rooms based on subject matter, content of the meeting, or beliefs and affiliations of the meeting’s sponsors.

Acceptance for rental of meeting rooms does not imply North Vancouver City Library endorsement, support or co-sponsorship of the activities, beliefs or viewpoints of the users or groups renting the meeting rooms.

No group using the meeting rooms may engage in any unlawful or illegal behavior under any law of the Province or the Country including those specified in the Criminal Code and under human rights legislation.

If, in the opinion of the Chief Librarian, the use of a room by any group significantly interferes with library operations or presents physical risk to library users, staff or property, then the Chief Librarian shall have sole discretion to refuse or cancel such a booking.

The library may bump or cancel a booking at the Chief Librarian’s sole discretion.

The library may limit the number of bookings by any one person or organization.

The City Library building is a state-of-the-art facility offering resources, programs and services for a variety of groups and interests. While we cannot guarantee a completely noise-free environment, we take the library as a community resource seriously and recognize the need to ensure a safe, enjoyable and balanced facility for all.

Our 50-seat silent study is dedicated for quiet, individual use. Please refrain from conversations and audible phone use. Headphones must be used with all devices and the sound must be inaudible to others. Headphones are available to borrow from the second floor info desk.

All customers have a right to privacy and confidentiality regarding the collection of personal information and the use they make of North Vancouver City Library facilities, collections and website. The release of such information would contravene the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Personal information related to registration, such as name address, phone number, etc., and circulation records, including information that identifies materials checked out by a customer, will not be divulged voluntarily except to the customer themselves.

The library may store information in the customer database where in its opinion the information is required to answer customer questions, or to monitor possible abuse of the library borrowing policy. The library system retains the name of the last customer to check out an item in order to assure that materials are returned in good condition. Every effort will be made to minimize the amount of information stored.

The library will keep no record of questions answered that are linked to a specific customer's name. Work notes used in answering the question will be divulged only to other library employees involved in working on the same question.

When a customer visits the library's website, information collected is used only to measure the number of visitors to different areas of the site. The address (IP) of the computer or internet provider and the date and time that the site was accessed are collected.

Personal information about a child will be released only with written approval from the parent or legal guardian.

All information related to a customer may only be used by library employees working within the scope of their duties.

In accordance with provincial legislation, the library is free to release relevant information to InterLINK libraries or companies acting on the library's behalf for the collection of library property, unpaid fees, fines or other charges.

Library customer addresses and phone numbers stored in our database may not be given or sold to other organizations and may only be used for library-only mailings when appropriate.

The library will honour a court subpoena requesting release of personal information of a library customer.

Policy framework

This policy is interpreted to include, but is not restricted to, maintenance of privacy of the following information and transactions:

  • all records identifying the names or ID numbers of Library customers
  • all records identifying material the Library customer currently has checked out
  • all records identifying Library customer overdue material can be used only for the retrieval of that material
  • all reference questions
  • all inter-library loan transactions
  • all holds placed, trapped, or held
  • all online searches and their results
  • all items photocopied
  • all suggested purchases of Library material submitted by Library customers
  • all information pertaining to the identity of anyone conducting research on a particular subject
  • any information pertaining to the borrowing of reference material

The same standards for protection of privacy apply to Library staff when they are customers of the North Vancouver City Library.

This policy guides decision making around the development, planning and delivery of programs offered by North Vancouver City Library.

Guiding principles

Programming is a core service that furthers North Vancouver City Library’s mission to support learning for all ages, facilitate community in its many forms and connect community members of all ages to experiences, ideas and one another.

The library adheres to the CFLA Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries and upholds community members’ right to access a diversity of ideas and viewpoints. The library is committed to providing free and equitable access to a wide range of programming.

The library strives to create welcoming and inclusive programs that serve people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities, and reflect our diverse community.

Expression of viewpoints in library programs does not imply endorsement of those views by the library.


This policy applies to the development, planning, selection and delivery of library programs that take place at the library or at off-site locations. 


North Vancouver City Library offers programs for community members at all stages of life that:

  • Support education and lifelong learning
  • Promote literacy, including reading, digital and information literacies
  • Respond to the current and emerging interests of the community
  • Increase interest in and attract new users to the library
  • Encourage the use of library collections and resources
  • Provide opportunities for community members to connect with one another, library staff and community resources


Library programs are responsive to the current and emerging needs and interests of the community. Library staff are responsible to be aware of local, national, and international current events that may be of interest to or have an impact on community members.


All library programs are free to attend and open to the public. Registration for programs may be required and the number of attendees may be limited when necessary. The library may also limit attendees based on age. Wherever possible, programs include accommodations to ensure they are accessible to users with diverse abilities.

Equity, diversity and inclusion

The library strives to provide programs that reflect the diversity of our community and amplify the voices of people marginalized on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, racialization, abilities and other discriminatory grounds.

Territorial acknowledgement

The library recognizes that program activities take place on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Coast Salish Peoples including the territories of the Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) and səl̓ílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Staff acknowledge territory at the beginning of library programs, and work to amplify Indigenous creators and reflect Indigenous ways of knowing and being in library programs.

Strategic alignment

Library staff use library strategic priorities as a lens to guide the selection of library programs.  


City Library staff work with community partners to augment programming options and showcase community services. Library staff are responsible to select programs and partners based on alignment with the library’s strategic priorities, values and organizational capacity.


The library plays an important role in furthering civic engagement by offering programs that encourage democratic participation and political awareness — such as voter information sessions or all-candidate meetings. Library programs are non-partisan and do not endorse any candidate, political party or other political organization or their viewpoints. 

Sales & solicitation

Library programs are not to be used to sell goods or services, recruit investors or solicit donations. Authors participating in literary programs may seek permission from the library to sell their works during their program.

Offsite programs

Library programs may take place outside of the library premises as part of community events or outreach activities. Programs that occur outside of the library premises must adhere to this policy. 


Programs will regularly be evaluated based on their alignment with community needs and interests, library strategic priorities as well as organizational capacity and operational considerations.



Related materials

For the safety of all, children younger than 10 should be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Children 10 and older are welcome to visit the library on their own. However, parents should be aware that staff are not able to watch the children.

If you are looking for a safe place to leave your child for several hours and need information about activities and daycare programs, please speak to the person at the information desk.

If you have a question, ask us or call 604-998-3450

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