Books and ebooks

There are so many ways to enjoy a book! We have a large selection of books in our library, and even more are accessible though our digital resources.

If you don't find what you are looking for, we can bring in books from other libraries with an interlibrary loan.

City Library's ebook collection

Libby & Library2Go (Overdrive)

The Library's largest ebook and e-audiobook collection for all ages. Download books to your Apple or Android mobile device, Kobo e-reader or MP3 player, and take them to go!


TumbleBook Library is a streaming ebook service for grades K – 6, with animated picture books, chapter books and non-fiction books.

O'Reilly technical ebooks

Over 50,000 ebooks and 30,000 hours of video courses on technology and business topics, including consumer technology, software and computer programming.

Digital library

Visit our Digital library page for more information and a full list of digital resources. 

Requesting an interlibrary loan 

Interlibrary loans connect you with thousands of titles across the province. Loans take approximately two weeks to arrive at City Library, then you'll have two to three weeks to borrow the material. To request an interlibrary loan, ensure the item you want to borrow is within these guidelines:

  • Title is older than 18 months (newer material cannot be borrowed)
  • Item is a physical book (a/v materials are not available)
  • Items cannot be renewed; you may re-request the item after 90 days
  • Items requested at City Library must be returned at City Library
  • Textbooks, workbooks and curriculum content are not available 

How to use Illume

Access Illume to browse the catalogue of materials available for an interlibrary loan.

  1. Enter your search terms in the query box then click the magnifying glass to search.
  2. Click on the title you'd like to borrow, then click Request this Item.
  3. Fill out the required fields including your City Library card number.

Browse Illume

Public online resources

Gutenberg ebooks

Public domain, classic ebooks. Available in ePub format with content digitized and proof-read by Project Gutenberg volunteers.

HathiTrust digital library

A multilingual ebook collection, HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future.

Google Books

Public domain ebooks are free in full text, but other titles may provide previews only and require payment for full-text access.

If you need help setting up or accessing any of the resources from this page, you can arrange for a private appointment with one of our TechConnect staff by


If you have a question, ask us or call 604-998-3450

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